Transforming Insurance through Innovation

Seamless Integration:

bima seamlessly integrates with existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition to digital operations without disruption.

Customized Workflows:

bima’s flexible architecture enables tailored customization to suit the unique needs of each insurance company, from policies to claims.

Real-Time Operations

bima offers instant access to critical data, enabling swift decision-making and enhancing operational efficiency for your business.

Kwepa Mockup as an additional package to bima enterprise Edition || ICON Limited

Your Ultimate Mobile Solution for Reporting- Kwepa

Introducing Kwepa, the revolutionary mobile app designed to simplify insurance transactions. Whether you’re a business seeking to purchase claims or policies, or an individual looking to access and manage relevant data, Kwepa has you covered. Kwepa empowers you to seamlessly buy claims, acquire policies, and gain insights into relevant data. Say goodbye to complex paperwork and hello to efficiency with Kwepa!

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Instant Reports

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Users in 2024


Work together with bima Essentials, Get More Done on bima Enterprise

Comprehensive Reports

Robust analytics tools that offer valuable insights into business performance,

End to End Processes

Seamless integration and efficiency from policy issuance to claims processing.

Compliance and Security:

Ensures compliance with industry regulations and enhances data security,

The future of business

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to empower businesses to stay ahead of the curve and embrace the limitless possibilities of the digital age.


Software Development

Cloud Computing

Digital Transformation

Solutions that get you on the path to success

We are pioneers in navigating the African digital landscape, with a deep understanding of the diverse needs and challenges faced by businesses across Africa. We empower our clients to leverage cutting-edge technology to transform their operations and embrace the digital economy.

Trusted by nearly 150+ users & startups

Join our network of over 150 satisfied users and startups who trust us for innovative solutions.

Revolutionize your business operations: Discover our solutions now

Empower your business operations with our innovative suite of solutions designed to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and drive growth.
Explore our offerings today!”